Blue Whale Suicide Game
If you search for the tag #BlueWhaleChallenge on social media you'll get a message like these: As someone who has never seen this type of warning on Instagram, Twitter or YouTube I found it incredibly alarming. The [...]
If you search for the tag #BlueWhaleChallenge on social media you'll get a message like these: As someone who has never seen this type of warning on Instagram, Twitter or YouTube I found it incredibly alarming. The [...]
And it's working. Across the country, police officers have shot and killed at least over 1,000 people since 2015. There is currently a national debate over police reform sparked by the 2014 killing of Michael Brown. But [...]
Microsoft has released Adobe's patch for a critical flaw in Flash Player that suspected North Korean hackers have exploited in malicious Excel sheets. Researchers at Cisco Talos said hackers known as Group 123 were using the zero-day Flash flaw and Excel sheets [...]