Google Duplex Makes Your Life Easier by Making It More Difficult for Others

2018-08-15T20:40:43-06:00May 11th, 2018|Tags: , |

The most talked-about feature debuted during Google’s I/O developer conference this week is “Duplex,” an AI system that can mimic actual human speech with eerie, accurate results. The point of the system, at least in Google’s onstage demos, was to [...]

NHS to Spend £150m on Cyber Security to Bolster Defences After WannaCry Attack

2018-08-15T20:40:48-06:00May 1st, 2018|Tags: , , |

Investment comes amid warnings hackers linked to Russia and other countries targeting UK's critical national infrastructure The NHS is to spend £150m to bolster its defences against the “growing threat” of cyber attacks following the chaos caused by the WannaCry virus. Amid [...]

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