Urban Massage Exposed a Huge Customer Database

2018-11-29T15:59:48-07:00November 30th, 2018|Tags: , , |

A popular massage-booking app has exposed 309,000 customer profiles, including comments from their masseurs or masseuses on how creepy their customers are. The app’s wide-open, no-password-required database was discovered by researcher Oliver Hough, who tipped off TechCrunch. Hough said in a tweet [...]

One Thing You’ll No Longer be Able to Do at Starbucks… Thank Goodness

2018-12-06T11:15:33-07:00November 29th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Bad news for creeps: Starbucks says that from next year it'll begin to block pornographic sites from being accessed via its Wi-Fi. It seems that the chain was under pressure from a group called Enough Is Enough, which is upset that [...]

Logan Airport Exacuated Due to a Suitcase Emitting Smoke

2018-11-29T11:08:01-07:00November 29th, 2018|Tags: , , |

The Transportation Security Administration says smoke pouring from a suitcase caused passengers to face a fright and evacuation order at Boston’s Logan International Airport over the holiday weekend. The international airport ordered everyone in baggage security to leave after a suitcase [...]

Protecting Your Car Keys From Hacking?

2021-11-11T19:16:53-07:00November 11th, 2018|

Moshe Shlisel, a veteran of the Israeli Air Force and now CEO of GuardKnox Cyber Technologies says that some cyber experts keep their car keys in a metal container calling it a "Faraday Cage" and it blocks the electromagnetic field. [...]

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