Now, millisecond-precise timestamps are supported throughout Magnet AXIOM and Magnet AXIOM Cyber as well as all artifacts where millisecond data is available, such as in TimelineConnections, and log entries. Ultimately this enables you to quickly analyze chronologically sorted artifacts with improved accuracy.

With the new Markup Viewer in Email Explorer, you can easily view the header and HTML or XML source code of an email to quickly uncover malicious URLs due to a phishing, or business email compromise, attack. The Markup Viewer preview card is supported for all email artifacts that have an HTML or XML source.

We’re building on our cloud acquisition capabilities with an enhancement to our Teams collection workflow! Now, you can authenticate and access data with client credentials from Teams, in addition to Microsoft 365. If your organization’s data access control policy prohibits the use of an account’s username and password to authenticate and access data, upgrade now and use client credentials instead to meet your organization’s security, privacy, and compliance policies while collecting the comprehensive cloud data you need for your investigations.